Here’s 10 things you can do that could help you pay less for your car insurance:
1. Adding a named driver can lower prices. But remember, you should always list the person who drives the car most often as the main driver, and any occasional drivers as additional. Otherwise this is known as fronting, which is illegal.
2. Increasing your voluntary excess will change prices as you’re willing to a pay more towards any claims. Be sure to consider any compulsory excess listed on a policy as you’ll need to pay the total amount if you make a claim.
3. Build up your no-claims bonus (NCB) to shave pounds off your premium. Some insurers might ask you for proof of your NCB, you should be able to get this from your previous or current insurer.
4. Pay annually if you can. Most insurers will charge interest or an admin fee if you choose to pay monthly and could end up costing you 15% extra2.
5. Watch out for unnecessary add-ons, such as breakdown cover or legal assistance, as this will increase the cost of your quote. Only choose the add-ons you need.
6. Picking the correct job title will lower prices as insurers use your occupation as a rating factor when calculating the price of your insurance.
7. Buy your policy early to get the cheapest price. Our data shows the later you leave it, the more you pay for your insurance. We think the best time to buy your car insurance is around 3 weeks before your renewal.
8. Compare different levels of cover, the most basic cover doesn’t necessarily make it the cheapest. In fact, comprehensive policies can often be cheaper even though you get a higher level of cover.
9. Think about how you use your car and pick the cover that matches your needs. Social use, social & commuting and business use offer different levels of cover depending on how you use your car.
10. Be accurate with your mileage so you’re only paying for miles you’re driving. The average yearly mileage is around 6,5002, but think about the types of trips you do and how often you do them. You can even check the mileage between your last MOTs to see how many miles you drove in the last 12 months.
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